Sunday, November 8, 2009

forex exchange phenomenon

Forex mean currency exchange.(foreign,money,forex,Fx)

To help the international trade and investment

To get information about latest updates in accordance to forex market,don't forget to check this site.

The aim of the foreign exchange market is to support international trade,business and investment. A foreign exchange market (Forex) helps businesses to convert one form of currency into another. For example, it allows a U.S. business to import European products and pay Euros, even though the business's income source is in U.S. dollars.

If a man is living in pakistan,He want to buy some thing from united arab emirates(UAE) the source of income is in pakistani's ruppes,but he want to get the thing from emirates he have to pay the currency for what he is buying in acoordance to the curreny of the state not the currency which is the source of income for simply we can say that every country has its own currency and and we have to pay in,the offical currency of state.Now for this we have to convert one form of currency into another form of currency.which is called forex exchange.

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